Kurdistan Bloggers Union

Friday, May 31, 2024 

Kurdistan 24 Exclusive: US troops continue to fight ISIS but Turkish attacks ongoing - 2019/11/13 09:35


Kurdistan 24 Exclusive: US troops continue to fight ISIS but Turkish attacks ongoing

A Kurdistan 24 team was granted exclusive access by the US-led coalition and traveled with the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks to two bases in eastern Syria. 
author_image Wladimir van Wilgenburg 

ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) - A Kurdistan 24 team was granted exclusive access by the US-led coalition and traveled with the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks to two bases in eastern Syria on Monday to examine the situation on the ground.

The visit comes after US President Donald Trump's decision to leave about 500 to 600 American troops in Syria to protect oilfields and support, but not protect, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against Turkish attacks.

Kurdistan 24 was given a unique opportunity to see the situation in eastern Syria after Trump withdrew the bulk of US troops from the Syrian-Turkish border in early October, which paved the way for Turkey to attack the Syrian Kurds, leading to mass displacement and the death of over 300 civilians.

Many regarded the decision as a betrayal of America’s Kurdish allies in the region.

"It was a sad moment for us," SDF press head Mustafa Bali told Kurdistan 24.

In an undisclosed base in oil-rich Deir al-Zor, US Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Chris Becker told Kurdistan 24 that the withdrawal decision had not affected the relationship between the SDF and the US-led coalition. "The relationship has remained the same; they [SDF] are very nice with us and we talk on a regular basis."

There are Apache helicopters and artillery units at the base that prevent the resurgence of the so-called Islamic State. They also prevent Syrian government troops from gaining control of oilfields in SDF-held territories in Deir al-Zor.

After Turkey launched an offensive in northern Syria on Oct. 9, over 300 civilians were killed. Turkey also took control of a territory between Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad.

According to earlier ceasefire deals between both the US and Turkey, and between Russia and Turkey, Turkey is allowed to keep the area between Tal Abyad and Ras al Ain (Serekaniye).

However, despite the ceasefire deals, attacks by Turkish-backed groups continue.

"The United States of America and the Russian Federation need to make Turkey apply the agreements made with them regarding the ceasefire and stopping the [military] operation," SDF spokesperson Kino Gabriel told Kurdistan 24 in Syria.

US soldiers on the ground, and in private, expressed their worries and sympathy for the fate of their fellow Kurdish fighters amid Turkey's attacks.

On Tuesday, Turkish-backed militias captured three Christian fighters.

"There were some SDF fighters concerned about their families closer to the border with Turkey and what potentially could happen with them," US Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Chris Becker said. "Of course, I can emphasize with them, I have family back home, and I can only imagine if they would be in danger."

Despite their sympathy, US soldiers told Kurdistan 24 that they have to follow orders from the "higher-ups" and cannot change the White House's decision.

Initially, the biggest concern for the US forces remaining in Deir al-Zor was that SDF fighters would advance the north to help their colleagues defend the border.

"We understood that we did what we could to help them, but at the same time stressed the importance to remain in place and keep the mission down in the southeast porter over here," Sgt. Becker added.

Before Turkey attacked the Kurdish-led forces, the SDF leadership warned the US it would be forced into a deal with the Syrian government to protect its borders and send fighters to the border from areas in Deir al-Zor.

At an undisclosed location in the Hasakah province, where Bradley armored vehicles arrived for the first time last week, LTC Cindi King, a Public Affairs Officer for the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, told Kurdistan 24 their armored units provide additional fire power.

She added that the main mission was always to counter the Islamic State. "Our mission is to maintain stability and, of course, to ensure our partners stay strong and our soldiers stay ready."

When the Bradley vehicles rolled into eastern Syria, they were welcomed by the local Kurdish population, who earlier expressed anger over US troops leaving. "Our soldiers shared how positive the reception was, they had citizens waving and smiling."

Turkish armored vehicles received a more hostile welcome from the local population when they patrolled the Syrian border with the Russian Military Police near Kobani and Hasakah.

However, Coalition officials confirm that their duty is not the border area between Turkey and Syria, where most Kurds live.

"We are out of the Western areas we used to control [near Kobani]," US Air Force Maj. Gen. Eric Hill, head of Special Operations Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (SOJTF-OIR), told reporters from the base in Hasakah, "and moved them back to Iraq, and most of them to the United States."

The forces remain in the east and continue the fight against the Islamic State with the SDF. "We will be in bases from Deir al-Zor to Qamishli and Derik, and all throughout this extensive area."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to meet with Trump on Wednesday in Washington, DC. However, Kurds fear Erdogan could convince President Trump to allow more Turkish attacks outside of the ceasefire agreement. 

SDF official Bali confirmed there are still fears that Turkey could attack Kobani and other areas.

"Russia and America and other states should give a guarantee to protect our people."

Editing by Karzan Sulaivany

Monday, April 17, 2006 

English women charged of murdering Kurdish citizen

An English woman has been charged with the murder of a Kurdish man in Hull, England last week. A Kurd who was arrested at the time has been released because the police are certain he is 100% innocent, a fact confirmed by CCTV cameras in the area where the murder occurred. He is the only witness and is important to prosecute the woman of the murder of his friend.

The problem that remains is one of bad communication. The Kurdish community in Hull believes the other Kurdish man was the killer, but he was not. The police have tried to tell the Kurdish community the facts, but the Kurdish community does not trust the British police. This means that news of the murder has reached Kurdistan without the true facts.

The two Kurds in this situation come from very close families and this could lead to a tragedy between these families in Kurdistan. Only because did not know the truth about this murder. The Kurd who was originally arrested by mistake was actually helping his friend before he died. He is now helping to make sure the woman who committed the murder is convicted and goes to prison. He did not murder his friend.

"I just pray the two families in Kurdistan consider the facts before they act. I pray they read this and know it is true," said a resident of Hull, who wanted to remain anonymous.

"I know how difficult a death in the family is, when you are so far from home. I do know your son will receive justice in the British system and that the murderer will go to prison," told the anonymous source.

- Vladimir

Monday, February 20, 2006 

An End?

Death is a difficult event to handle whether it be quick or slow and painful such as the demise of this particular blog. The life of a blog depends on its authors, and the authors of this one have moved on to their own individual projects. The legacy of KBU has come to an end. It served as a place where we could all gather to find strength, and in that end the Kurdistan Bloggers Union has been enormously successful. Now life continues onward. I would like to think of this blog as a phoenix and that when the time is right (when it is needed again) KBU will arise from the ashes.

Until then, here are links to the individual authors projects as the Kurdish Dialouge will always continue:

Kurdo: Kurdo's World
Hiwa: Hiwa Hopes
Vladimir: From Holland to Kurdistan
Piling: Incoherent Thoughts and Roj Bash!
Medya: Roj Bash
Dilnareen: Iraq Blog Count
Xosh 7al: Beardie's World of Crap
Sami: An Iraqi's Thoughts
Emmunah: Peshmerga Women
Swara: Kurdish Thoughts and Learn Kurdish Online
Naz: Learn Kurdish Online
Delal: Kurdistan Blog Count

If you would like to keep up on what is going on in the Kurdish blogs in general, I have set up a Kurdish blog aggregator with links to Kurdish blogs in multiple languages, or you can check my Wednesday weekly article on Global Voices.

So, goodbye dear readers, one day we will all meet again.

Thursday, January 26, 2006 

Jewish medical student visits Kurdistan

"One thing alone seems clear: The Kurds are a people under siege. In the United States we are not."

I would like to bring you to the attention of Jonathan Dworkin, who wrote those impressing words, you have just read. He is a medical student in his final year at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Currently he is travelling in South Kurdistan from January to March of 2006.

In his recent post he shows more of the Kurdish sentiment towards Israel, that isn't so hostile towards Jews.

To quote one part of his recent post:

Another friend, a KDP man, explained to me that he supports Israel because he believes chauvanism is an ingrained feature of Arab politics. "They have 25 countries," he said. "And still there is this talk of pushing the Jews into the sea. In Kurdistan we have been fighting this thinking for centuries, and believe me we are very tired."

I advise everyone to take a look into his articles. They are balanced and give a good view on the problems in South-Kurdistan. As a commentator posted:"His blog allows thoughtful insights into the problems we face today in this world".

January 25: Kurds and Jews
January 18: At Home in the New Kurdistan
January 14: City of Refugees
January 11: First Impressions

Sunday, January 22, 2006 

National Geographic Article

Well I finally got around to reading this month's National Geographic only to find that they had an excellent article about the Kurds in Northern Iraq/Southern Kurdistan. It spoke alot about hope amoung the Kurds and the efforts that they are making towards re-building. I found the article to be quite objective which is nice, sometimes main stream media protrayels of the Kurds are either too emotional or so dry as to whither away your interest in the subject entirely. The National Geographic website has some extra features about their article that are fairly interesting.

*And a quick note to some of the other authors on KBU, don't leave me alone on here, ok?

Thursday, January 19, 2006 

Information and Help Network for the Bird Flu

I received this email from another group that I work with, and I thought that since so many are concerned about a link between the Kurdish areas and the bird flu (and probably would like to help) I thought that I would pass it along:

From Avian Flu Help Team

Dear Editors/Admins,

Please accept our apologies for the group mailing.

You have all been doing a noble effort in collecting information
online about Avian Flu. As you can see there are many scattered
resources available right now to find scientific data, information,
news and other tidbits. This mail is an effort to invite you all
together to collaborate together on one effort so that we can put our
collective minds and hands together in one "Mega" CollaBlog/CollaWiki.

We are members of a group called World Wide Help Group
(http://groups.google.com/group/WorldWideHelp/about) who have
volunteer members all over the world with various skills. We started
working together on TsunamiHelp (http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com,
http://www.tsunamihelp.info) which became the one-stop resource to
find any and all information related to Tsunami. We had at one point
of time 3000 volunteer bloggers/editors helping us with the content.
It is one of the best example of what an unified online collaboration
effort could bring out. Another fine example is the People Finder
Project (http://katrinahelp.info/rdata/) which collaborated with
industry to create PFIF, a platform-agnostic database interchange
format http://katrinahelp.info/wiki/index.php/PFIF) that has since
been used by all the major People Finder projects (including Google,
Yahoo etc).

Since then, with the help of the other members of the World Wide Help
Group, we have been working on several philanthropic sites of note

http://www.katrinahelp.info/ -- for victims of the Hurricane Katrina
http://www.ritahelp.info/ -- for victims of the Hurricane Rita
http://quakehelp.blogspot.com/ -- for victims of the Kashmir Earthquake
http://mumbaihelp.blogspot.com/-- for victims of the Mumbai Cloudburst
and floods
http://www.hcvaction.org/ -- for victims of Hepatitis C, to
promote research and awareness and support for a cure

At this point we are in contact with an international network of
volunteers including India, the Middle East, USA, and several European
countries. We have begun work on an H5N1 disaster-response web
information delivery system. We have developed a diverse volunteer
corps of online writers, "bloggers", wiki admins, and now wish to
take these efforts to a higher level.

We expect you realize the tremendous value that such a collaboration
could have, both in terms of scientific achievement, humanitarian
concerns, and international relations.

With the common goal of helping the affected and informing the general
public about Avian Flu, we would like to start the discussions among
the various admins of major Avian Flu websites (Blogs, Wiki &
Informational Sites), that is you, about coming together on this noble
cause. We can then work out the logistics on how, when, where and who
of this effort.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you,

With Best Regards

Angelo Embuldeniya
Bala Pitchandi
Peter Griffin
Rudi Cilibrasi

The World Wide Help Group

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 

An Evening with Joe Wilson

Below is a reprint from a post on my personal blog so if some of the personal info in there is confusing I apologize ahead of time.

Last night Mr.3 and I were given the oppurtunity to go and see Ambassador Joe Wilson speak in front of the Salt Lake Chapter of the Council on Foreign Relations. Actually we got to sit at his table, which including a brief 10 minutes of star-struckedness on my part which faded quickly.

For those of you who don't know who he is, Joe Wilson has lately been known as Mr. Valerie Plame (who was "outed" as a CIA employee), but before that he was known as the last American Diplomat to speak with Saddam Hussein in Gulf War 1. But I believe that when the Gulf War broke out he was "acting" Ambassador as the real Ambassador was in the US warning about the possibility of war breaking out at the time war did break out.

Impressions of him: Nice guy when he doesn't talk politics. Fantastic hair, and I would say 95% of the female population in that room would have slept with him if he was willing. He is a self-promoter to the point of being incredibly vain and arrogant. Mr.3 asked him a question privately after the talk and in answering that question told him 3 times to buy his book. Call me crazy but when someone asks you a direct question about 500 tons of yellow-cake uranium that was found in Iraq, the response to that question should not be "buy my book".

What he said that evening: He has a lot of anger about the war in Iraq, as many US democrats do, however it is obvious that his anger is focused on the fact that the current administration did not listen and follow his recommendations. His bush-bashing is completely personal, I do not wish to really discuss the whole issue of his wife being "outed" but he used that in his speech (and probably his book as well) as a further reasoning why he must have been right...it was a case of "I was injured personally, I am a victim, and therefore my opinion is the most correct one", which logically is a load of crap. He wasn't listened to in matters about the Middle East because his knowledge is severely lacking, he may be great and wonderful with Africa, but the Middle East is a completely different animal...here is why:

His definition of weapons of mass destruction: is limited to strictly Nuclear weapons because they alter society and civilization. Biological weapons are weapons of terror and do not affect society in the long term. Anyone who knows about the atrocities Saddam carried out on the Kurdish populations in Iraq can tell you that biological warfare effects you on a systemic level...hum...let's see birth defects, a skewed population demographic, low birth rate, high infant mortalitiy rate, and don't forget little things like the increase in the snake population as all of the birds in the region were killed and there was no natural predators for the snakes. But apparently those are only side effects of "terror weapons".

His lack of knowledge on terrorism in general: Apparently he is under the impression that Ansar el Islam was a pro-Kurdish group rather than a group that was killing Kurds. He also stated that "25 million ethnic people" is no reason to not support our NATO allies. First, where did he get his numbers, secondly the Kurdish situation in Iraq and in Turkey are vastly different and you can't lump them together...but then again he seems to think that Kurds=terrorists. Oddly enough two seconds after he made that statement about the Kurds he stated that HAMAS and Hizbullah were doing things the "right way" in regards to elections, but he failed to mention the whole terrorist bombings which killed innocents. He classifies himself in the lines of a "Progressive" but he isn't really, just another diplomat/pseudo celebrity that believes in the cause that is most popular at the moment. But can you expect anymore from someone who prides himself on delveloping the US stragey in the Rwanda genocide, because we all know how well that turned out.

Sunday, January 15, 2006 

Because I liked the Title...

a short post with some mildly interesting links...

A Stan of their Own.

Sunday, January 08, 2006 

What we should be talking about?

There seems to be alot going on there that this particular blog has been silent about, particularly the bird flu and predictions for the new year. I know that these are odd things to lump together in one blog but I am going to do it anyway.

First, predictions for the New Year: last week the Daily Kos wrote about a recent KnightRidder column that stated the Iraq army had 10,000 Kurdish soldiers that were loyal to the peshmerga leaders...duh...nothing really new. However, it seemed with this news that the rest of the world realized that there is a definite possibility that an independent Kurdistan could arise if there was (God forbid) civil war in Iraq. Of course, as soon as the Daily Kos covered it, it seems that half of the political blogs in the US began to speculate as to an independent Kurdistan. The only Kurdish blogger (that I saw--I might be wrong and please let me know if I am) that covered even part of that news was Vladimir. The lack of response from the Kurdish bloggers makes me wonder if we really missed an opportunity to bring the issue of an independent Kurdistan to a wider global audience? Or is it just more of the same?

Next item up, the bird flu deaths in Turkey, specifically in the Van region in Northern Kurdistan. While the deaths have been in rural areas and also in Kurdish areas there has been speculation that the bird flu thing is another extension of the Kurdish question. Some of our Kurdish bloggers have written excellent posts supporting that position including Mizgin from Rasti and Vladimir in From Holland to Kurdistan. Ok folks, it is the bird flu, a pandemic that is affecting the whole world, it should not be used as an aid to point out the Turkish Government's treatment of the Kurds, rather it should be used to discuss poverty on a global scale. I know that there will be plenty of people who are mad at me for this point of view (and I have a feeling that some of the comments will be harsh but I will take them), I am just of the opinion that there are some things that it would be wise of us to exploit to further knowledge of the plight of the Kurds, and some things -like this- that are no help to us at all.

Saturday, January 07, 2006 

Interesting Link

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year (albeit a little late)...I found this link a few days ago and thought that I would share. aka Kurdistan

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