Kurdistan Bloggers Union Save Layla M from Butcher Ayatollahs - Kurdistan Bloggers Union

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004 

Save Layla M from Butcher Ayatollahs

This might not get to anywhere, and given I have very little time to even read my emails, but I was listening to BBC Radio2 telling the terrifying story of the unlucky Iranian femail "Layla M.":
at 9 she was forced to be pregnant,
she was forced to work as a prostitute for the last 10 years; guess by whom? (HER MOTHER!)do you call her a mom?
she was sold to an Afghan man(physically, I would not call him a Man),
she was pregnant again in 14,
she was sentenced to 100 lashes by the Ayatollah courts; she Survived,
Layla now with mental problems is facing execution on grounds of "Adultry"!!
she is on the verge of execution now, callers were saying:
"Bush should have gone to Iran not Iraq!"
"where are those men who malested,raped Layla"
"In iraq, thousands like Layla died no one cared for them"
"What shari sentences an innocent girl to death after 19 years of horrifying life"
.....I say:
I just couldnt keep my tears, THIS IS AWFUL, I wish I was living in a small village and would not be able to hear all this happenign on this small world!
If the world has an ounce of mercy....someone Save her!

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