Kurdistan Bloggers Union Kurdistan Bloggers Union: August 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005 

Trips and pictures in Southern Kurdistan

Text in French but you could all the same see the pictures :

The Citadel of Salahadin.

The Citadel of Erbil.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 

Updates on other Kurdish Blogs

The bloggers have been fairly quiet here in the land of KBU, and while I can't speak for all, I know that the new school year has thrown me for a loop.
The following is a short list (not comprehensive in any sense) of what some of the other bloggers have been up to:

Vladimir has been working tirelessly on the KBU Forum and on the KBU News page in addition to his participation in many recent demostrations in his native country.

Medya has also been incredibly active on the KBU Forum and News site in addition to getting ready to start university this Fall.

Unfortuately I can't read French and so I am mostly deprived of Piling's wonderful wit, but don't let that deter you from visiting her.

Kurdo is currently on hiatus, but I hope to see him return soon.

Hiwa is about to go on vacation but hopes to start blogging more in earnest.

Dilnareen seems to be missing in action at the moment, but they are also a member of the Iraq Blog Count which gets updated pretty regularly. I like what they do there and I wouldn't mind it if we did the same occasionally....which is really what sparked this particular post.

Sami has been giving some excellent commentary on the current situation in Iraq and the future of Southern Kurdistan.

Xosh 7al has been quiet in posting, but not quiet in any means on the comments. So Xosh, when are you going to start your own blog?

Dear Emmunah has been quiet on her blog, but she is recooping from a recent shoulder surgery....I wish you fast healing Em!

Swara and Naz have also been quiet but I hope that they return soon.

And of course I have been trying to update my own useless drivel.

I know that this post isn't much of an excuse for our lastest silence, but hopefully soon we will pick up again at full speed. In the meantime, I encourage you all to check into the others blogs and heavily utilize the extensive list of other Kurdish blogs that we link to.

Until next time,
Take Care,

Friday, August 05, 2005 

Bush: “If Iranians stand for their freedom, America is with them”
Question : Aren't Iranian Kurds, Iranian ?

Insurgent in Iranian Kurdistan is expanding from alley to alley, village to village, town to town.
No Kurdish party had asked people to do protest. They happened suddenly without any former organized plan. [Kurdish parties are banned in Iran and they all live in exile, and they don’t have any considerable contact with people]

First of let see how the insurgents started,
The first flake of insurgents started about one months ago in the center of Kurdish Nationalism , Mahabad. (Where the Independence Kurdistan Republic was declared by President Qazi Mohammad in 1946).

In Mahabad a Civil Kurdish activist named “Shwane Qadri” was shot by police and his injured buddy was pulled around the city by car in order to warn other people not to go in his way. Finally Shwane was killed by Iranian Police in a very brutal torture.

The pictures of his tortured body were published by Kurdish news sites.

Then the people of Mahabad City angrily without any plan went to the streets and asked the government to punish those who did this brutal crime. (Un-regarding how undemocratic Iran law is , at lest it admits that it is just court that can sentence somebody to death not police shot him directly!)

Police brutally oppressed Mahabad’s protest and according to the news some people been killed by police.

Soon the people of the neighboring cities to the Mahabad , Shino (Oshnavieh) – Prisanshahr – Bukan – … protested one after another to support people of Mahabad and in each of these cities , 5-6 people been killed and several more been injured and many hundreds been arrested. (the biggest protest was in Shino city where number of the deaths was more than 10)

the protest came to Mahabad (Again), this time the government loosed the city’s control for hours and they sent 9000 new soldiers from Tehran (Capital City)– Hamadan – Zanjan (Iranian Turkish cities) to mountains near Mahabad and they oppressed people and took the control again.

Soon people of cities farther than Mahabad showed their anger in the streets , again the Kurdish Parties didn’t organize or Plan for a protest and all this happened by people themselves.

People of Iranian Kurdistan, were waiting for a statement or something that ask people to show their protest at specific time But nobody knew what to do …

Just 6 hours before the protest in Sine , while I was walking in the Sine street , so “coincidental” I saw a piece of small paper in the city , that had asked people of Sine (Sanandaj) City to show their protest peacefully in “6 Bahman” Street at 7o clock .
Even though just small number of people were informed about the location and time of the protest, Thousands of the people participated in it.
According to KDP-I (Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran) 5 People were killed in Sine (Sanandaj) , as Sine is one of the biggest Kurdish city in Iran, its protest soon was spread to other smaller towns and cities…even to the southern Kurdish cities where Kurdish nationalim is lower than northern parts (Kermanshah- Ilam …)

After Sine the people of Seqqez made a large protest that faced the hardest oppression from police as they (Police ) expected it to happend , acording to the reports they used Heavey Weapons to kill people ! they even used helicopters to shot peopel .
in Seqqez more than 20 been killed , and handreds been injured ! nobody is allowed to enter the hospital , and many of the injured are being treated in the houses and they are in a bad condition .

The insurgents still continues , from village to village town to town …and the World Media's ignoring continues as well. Thousands of the people been arrested in Iranian Kurdistan !
Two Kurdish Weekly been closed, Human Right Activists and Famous people been arrested, among them Dr Roya Toloui , the famous Kurdish feminist .

Kurdish people are being killed brutally by one of the Axes of Evil , a country which it's ellected president is a Reall Terrorist and praticpated in terrorsits attacks directly (incudling kidnapiing Ameican Diplomats and killling Kurdish Leaders on the negoite table )
I remember President Bush had called Iran , one of the axes of Evil and in a historical speech said “If Iranians Stand for their freedom America is with them”

I as an "Iranian" Kurd, want to ask President Bush “Excuse me Mr Bush where are you ? why you are not with us ?”

I ask American Medias “why you don’t cover our news ? why you don’t pay 1% of the attention that you paid for Lebanon to us agains the Iranian Regime which is the sponsor of terorists ! which is making nuclear bomb ! which is Axes of Evil !?”

At the same time with these insurgents the Iranian “Persian” writer in prison , Akbar Ganji , who has started a hunger strike from 57 days ago, wants Iranian regime to free him.

President Bush, White house, EU and Reporters without border and …, sent letter to Iran government and asked them to free Ganji immdeietly, American Medias that are accesable in Iran( like Radio Farda- VOA NEWS are covering News about this persian writer all the time)

Mind that Akbar Ganji , was a top member of Iranian security agents , and had hand in many crimes…he was also one of the students who had kidnapped American Diplomats in US embassy in Iran 27 years ago .

Yes If Iranians stand for their freedom America is with them (butt they shouldn’t be Kurd) Even if they be one of those who had kidnapped American Diplomats . America still is with them…but NO NO NO Iranian Kurds are not Counted!

Not only president but also American medias ignored Iranian Kurds.

The same thing happened for Kurds in Syria , while ago, very large protests in Syrian Kurdistan was held for killing a Kurdish Pro-west Moderate Clerk .
even though many been killed , they didn’t receive any considerable attention by the world .

I remember, Turkey had warned America not to attack Iran or Syra, and Turkey would never let America us its land to attack to Iran or Syra. Because it would result “Independence For Kurdistan”

I wouldn’t wonder if an expert tell me, the reason that America is ignoring Kurdish Protest in Iran is Turkey !

At the same time we hear that America putting pressure on Iraqi Kurds to forget their demanding
…Mr Khalilzad (American ambassador) said while he was in Kirkuk City , nobody is allowed to force Occupier Arabs to leave Kirkuk ! ”
By Mr Khalilzad ,the Article 58 of the Iraqi Law, should not be established ! (we thought in Iraq things should go by law ! )
The former US ambassador Mr John Negroponte had stated that Article 58 must be established.[Kirkuk is a Kurdish city that handreds Thousands of its kurds been forced to leave their homes , and thier homes been given to Arabs , now those Kurds want to return to thier homes ! Turkey has warned if that happen, they will attack to Kurdistan . (you know Kirkuk as oil ! )]

The Great Kurdistan (Iran-Syria-Turkey-Iraq…) had been in a deadly silence for about 10 years…(almost after Ochalan's Capure) but this silence has been broke recently, today we see ALL parts of Kurdistan except (Southern Part) in insurgent and in blood !

It is time for we Kurds to believe, that the Kurdish Problem in Middle east , is not going to be solved in “the Broader Middle East Project” and America is not with Iranian Kurds against Iranian regime and is not with Syrain Kurds against Syrian Regime.

We remember, the former Iranian Shah’s dictatorship, Shahs regime was a Persian Nationalism Based Secular Dictatorship –a Persian Model of Turkish Ataturk Regime and at that time his regime was highly supported by USA against Kurds . (They just want a Turkish model )

As the America is the designer of the broader Middle East project and Turkey is the model for this Broader Middle East. We shouldn’t expect Kurdish problem be solved in braoder middle east .
solving Kurdish problem , would damage US relation with their ally, the Dear Model of Democracy for middle east .

(Recently American Medias started recovering Turkey’s picture in USA, and American newspapers are full of Pro Turkey Articles but you can obviously see lack of Kurd’s presence in their pages. Read an Example Here)


Declare independence

Its over, there is no real hope.
The truth is that Iraq consists of three major groups
A) Shi'ites whose majority thanks to sanctions and Saddam Hussein have no real education and hence are followers rather than thinkers and are brainwashed enough to vote for people who take away their rights rather than grant it to them. Its sad that its the Kurdish leaders and the women groups fighting for ALL IRAQ'S WOMEN
B) Sunni Arabs that good or bad still would rather a Sunni Arab rule than a Kurd or Shi'ite. They shiver at the mention of Kurdistan, Kirkuk, Kurdish, Iraqi flag change, etc..... no matter if they were with Saddam or not, its not for us to be equals to them since we are not from great Arab Umma
C) Kurds... no need to insert details here

Its time for Kurdish leaders to suspend appearing in the Iraqi parliament. Let them draft their own constituion. They can call it the Islamic Republic of Iraq/Iran. They can tell women that they are only alloed to show their mouth, nose and eyes. They can ask the Western troops to leave. All Kurdish families should leave Islamic Iraq/Iran and come home.

The other idea is to split the country in two.

Federal Iraq: Liberal ppl welcome, human beings with intelligence too

The other Iraq: Fundamentalists, racists, killers, can all get together and enjoy life. There is more oil in the south than Kirkuk and with LNG being the next most important energy source they can do well to try and go find and explore that rather than just hold rally's and protests.
Also for oil devolpment, the other iraq should not be allowed western companies cause its haram.

I hope that we boycott the constituion, the assembly and that we realise that nobody will defend us and espically not in public cause the masses will never re-elect non kurdish politicans who gave Kurds their rights because its at the expesnse of Saddam's Arabization.

Now its obvious why i haven't written for a while :)
enjoy ur day and take care

Monday, August 01, 2005 

Hasankey condemned ?

Or the return of the revenge of Ilisu dam project...

The project of builing Ilisu Dam, which will submerge Hasankey and its valley had been stopped after the desistance of Balfour Beatty in 2002, for a campaign had been orchestrated by many organisations, denouncing the historical, archeological and ecological disaster of a such project.

Then, in spite of his former promises, Turkish Prime Minister wants to restart the project and this time, it seems that the German company Siemens will be involved in that. For Siemens, which has bought the Austrian company VA tech, the only foreign company still remained in the building of dams, has apprently the intention to start the cosntruction this summer.

A campaign of protest has begun against Siemens and VA Tech, with a petition by e-mail, sent to both leaders of these companies. The opponents of Ilisum Dam object that the dam will destroy a beautiful historical site, and that will bring not great benefits, even for Turkey, because the hydro-electric energy produced will be quite weak compared to the needs of the country.
It is rather all the system of distribution in energy, often decayed and ineffective that it is necessary to re-examine in Turkey.

Moreover, the culture by irrigation which the dam would allow, according to the Turkish government, would benefit only the rich owners who want to make Anatolian south-east a vast cotton field. They have already recovered for themselves Kurdish fugitives' goods and properties. But the poorest peasants will win nothing to that : 78.000 of them will be "displaced". Not a ideal way to improve the economic activity of the area and the dramatic rate of unemployment in the Kurdish country. The government, of course, made promises of reinstalment and compensation for the moved people, but we could be skeptic, if we consider what did happen after other construction projets.

Friends of Earth start a campaign and ask people to sent protesting mails to Siemems, VA TEch, and your EU MP if you are European.

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