after Live8 London is injured badly

London was still making money for the poor in Africa, it had just won the bid for the largest sporting event of Olympics, but woke up this mornign by the terrible voice of terrorists. The target, ordinary people who most probably do not afford to buy private vehicles to go to work, black and white, Muslims and Jews, Christians and Hindus!
KBU's deep thoughts are with those who were directly affected by the blasts and all the people of London and the whole UK, I believe my co-bloggers will allow me to speak on their behlaves as well.
I heard the news when I was in court, came out and saw the printed pages from sky news, surprisingly I was listening to radio one whilst driving there untill 9.35 and I heard nothing, and when I went there no one said anything about it!
I called someone who works at Edgware road, and for him it had finished hours ago and he was worried about his friends and family in the area.
God bless London!