welcome Turkey to EU!
seems very good move towards freedom and respecting human rights,
now I just would like to say Thanks and a BIG one to the UK authorities for paying Turkish interpreters upto 45£ per hour (around 60$) and upto 18£ perhour for their travel times, for Turkish interpretations for a politician who has just fled Turkey and applied to asylum in the UK regardless of his claim (believe me there are somany of them), ah and of course 10 hours of free legal aid+ costs after the initial meeting with their solicitors, and all court costs and stuff, which still is condemned by the human rights organisations and refugee organisations as limited support!
Around 15 upto 25 £ is paid for those Turkish takeaway guys who usually need medical care as they cannot speak to their doctors, some of them still needs this costy arrangement after being here for more than 5 years! I think i should shut up because I am comparing a Turkey to an Eagle!