I hate Turks for the sake of humanity
this is an answer to this Turk's post on his blog .
that says
Dear Mr ...
as I have said on my own blog , I hate all who "like" to hate .
this is different with "all who hate".
Dear Mr , I always like peace and love between nations , and I believe nobody should be hated for its nationality but ...
Turks has done their best to motivate and encourage me to hate them...
and I did my best to not hate Turks...But I cant control myself.
- You country didn't let 20 millions (or even more) Kurds in Turkey to speak their native language.
- You kept on saying "Kurds are Wild Turk and Kurdish is a part of Turkish language"
- You kept on killing Kurds and Torturing them , Raping to their girls .
- Your country cant bear to see the Kurdistan name and tries to delete every Kurdistan word in the World.
- and and and ...
unfortunately all these wasn't just by your government, and I could feel that Turks are really happy with that .
and even some Turk people wanted the government to be more cruel, like the Gray Wolves.
I read a part of this article that has omething about the gray wolves ,
I can never never forget the scenes that I saw , many Turkish soldier were heating a Kurdish Girl in the head , and she was killed in the Street ... Her head exploded by the hard beating of the Turks... she was just a Kurd Freedom Lover Kurd...
and this isn't the only case... Just for the sake of example , Turkish Police recently killed a 12 years old boy , if the Turks aren't racist , why should they kill a small boy ?
I remember a Kurd that said he had a restaurant in Paris , named Kurdistan . he said "I got messages from the Turks if I don't change the name of my restaurant they will kill me"
I remeber the most famous singer of the turkey , ibrahim tatlis who is a Kurd, never been allowed to sing in Kurdish and when he went to have a concert in kurdish out of turkey , in Germany , the Turks bombed his concert and killed many Kurds there..
it wsn't the Turkish Government ...
the Turkey and the Turks cant even bear to see the Kurdistan ***NAME ***
they keep on warning the Media Channels to dont use the Iraqi Kurdistan , they must use northern iraq !!
again just for the sake of the example , the Microsoft company had published an encolpydia (a kind of dictornary) program , in that program they had definition for the Kurdistan name ....
then the Turkey government arrested ---"Kidnaped" the Microsoft employee in the Turkey and put him in the prison , and the Turkey told the Microsoft, you will see your employee again , after you deleted Kurdistan in that program... and the microsoft had to delete kurdistan name in it's program .
The thing that makes me more angrey is , Turkey is the US- alley and you know the US-Alley's get the full support of the World's Media ...
you can always see when a palestininan get hurts in the Medias... but you never never never hear what Turkey do with the Kurds . recently a Kurd guy was killed by police in the 15th Feb 's protest ,, I checked it almost no media covered it .
Unfortuantely because USA didn't have a better choice they choose Turkey as their alley in Middle East . this makes me EXPLODE in hatred.... all of the World's Power against poor Kurds., thats so unfair...
Today Turkey claims the Kirkuk because it has some percent of the Turkmens....
mind that Turks and Turkmen are different. and Turkey claim Kirkuk and Warn Kurds to attack them if they get kirkuk , and everybody and every historic document shows Kirkuk as a part of Kurdistan (even your own Othmani Maps !!!)
the question is
"why Turkey don't let Kurds to claim the same thing , there are 25 millions Kurds in Turkey
we can claim it as Kurdistan ! "
but there is just some thousands Turkmens in Kirkuk and you claim it Turkey .
I have chated with many Turks ,almost all of the them are racist against Kurds, some of them say , each Turk must behead 4 Kurds .
if i wanted to write the Evilness of the Turkey , it would taken be a book ...
but you just should know , we Kurds are mad at Turks and we have right to be mad at them.
I myself personaly hate Turks
believe if I hate Turks , some people like you, will question themselves "why this Kurd hates me , what have I done to him ...What should I do ..."
the important question that you must ask yourself is "WHAT SHOULD I DO , THAT KURDS DON"T HATE TURKS..."
I will stop hating you , when you told your government to stop being evil .
my hatred is diffrent with Racist Gray Wolves' hatred.
the Gray Wolf Turks LIKE to hate for the sake of Turkish Nationalism.
I , HAVE TO , hate for the sake of Justice , for the sake of humanity.
that says
On Fikirbaz's blog I checked the comments on one of the topics. In the comments, it was written "I hate you Turks". From the site of the person, it seems that he is one of the Iranian Kurds. It seems a bit strange because the person says on his blog "Woe to all who like to hate".
A while ago on an Iraqi Kurdish blog I saw a starting topic of "Turks are our main enemy", in this writing I read "I don't know why they hate us so much"...
Dear Mr ...
as I have said on my own blog , I hate all who "like" to hate .
this is different with "all who hate".
Dear Mr , I always like peace and love between nations , and I believe nobody should be hated for its nationality but ...
Turks has done their best to motivate and encourage me to hate them...
and I did my best to not hate Turks...But I cant control myself.
- You country didn't let 20 millions (or even more) Kurds in Turkey to speak their native language.
- You kept on saying "Kurds are Wild Turk and Kurdish is a part of Turkish language"
- You kept on killing Kurds and Torturing them , Raping to their girls .
- Your country cant bear to see the Kurdistan name and tries to delete every Kurdistan word in the World.
- and and and ...
unfortunately all these wasn't just by your government, and I could feel that Turks are really happy with that .
and even some Turk people wanted the government to be more cruel, like the Gray Wolves.
I read a part of this article that has omething about the gray wolves ,
I can never never forget the scenes that I saw , many Turkish soldier were heating a Kurdish Girl in the head , and she was killed in the Street ... Her head exploded by the hard beating of the Turks... she was just a Kurd Freedom Lover Kurd...
and this isn't the only case... Just for the sake of example , Turkish Police recently killed a 12 years old boy , if the Turks aren't racist , why should they kill a small boy ?
I remember a Kurd that said he had a restaurant in Paris , named Kurdistan . he said "I got messages from the Turks if I don't change the name of my restaurant they will kill me"
I remeber the most famous singer of the turkey , ibrahim tatlis who is a Kurd, never been allowed to sing in Kurdish and when he went to have a concert in kurdish out of turkey , in Germany , the Turks bombed his concert and killed many Kurds there..
it wsn't the Turkish Government ...
the Turkey and the Turks cant even bear to see the Kurdistan ***NAME ***
they keep on warning the Media Channels to dont use the Iraqi Kurdistan , they must use northern iraq !!
again just for the sake of the example , the Microsoft company had published an encolpydia (a kind of dictornary) program , in that program they had definition for the Kurdistan name ....
then the Turkey government arrested ---"Kidnaped" the Microsoft employee in the Turkey and put him in the prison , and the Turkey told the Microsoft, you will see your employee again , after you deleted Kurdistan in that program... and the microsoft had to delete kurdistan name in it's program .
The thing that makes me more angrey is , Turkey is the US- alley and you know the US-Alley's get the full support of the World's Media ...
you can always see when a palestininan get hurts in the Medias... but you never never never hear what Turkey do with the Kurds . recently a Kurd guy was killed by police in the 15th Feb 's protest ,, I checked it almost no media covered it .
Unfortuantely because USA didn't have a better choice they choose Turkey as their alley in Middle East . this makes me EXPLODE in hatred.... all of the World's Power against poor Kurds., thats so unfair...
Today Turkey claims the Kirkuk because it has some percent of the Turkmens....
mind that Turks and Turkmen are different. and Turkey claim Kirkuk and Warn Kurds to attack them if they get kirkuk , and everybody and every historic document shows Kirkuk as a part of Kurdistan (even your own Othmani Maps !!!)
the question is
"why Turkey don't let Kurds to claim the same thing , there are 25 millions Kurds in Turkey
we can claim it as Kurdistan ! "
but there is just some thousands Turkmens in Kirkuk and you claim it Turkey .
I have chated with many Turks ,almost all of the them are racist against Kurds, some of them say , each Turk must behead 4 Kurds .
if i wanted to write the Evilness of the Turkey , it would taken be a book ...
but you just should know , we Kurds are mad at Turks and we have right to be mad at them.
I myself personaly hate Turks
believe if I hate Turks , some people like you, will question themselves "why this Kurd hates me , what have I done to him ...What should I do ..."
the important question that you must ask yourself is "WHAT SHOULD I DO , THAT KURDS DON"T HATE TURKS..."
I will stop hating you , when you told your government to stop being evil .
my hatred is diffrent with Racist Gray Wolves' hatred.
the Gray Wolf Turks LIKE to hate for the sake of Turkish Nationalism.
I , HAVE TO , hate for the sake of Justice , for the sake of humanity.
hi people.
for your information;
1. there are 2.5 million mixed families in Turkey in which one of the spouses is Turkish and the other is Kurdish. I am for example, happily married to my Kurdish wife for 12 years and we have two kids. My sister is engaged to a Kurdish gentleman and we hope to have their wedding next summer when he graduates from his university studying computer engineering.
2. You can't find one single family in Turkey who is purely Turkish or Kurdish and does not have any relatives or ancestors from the other side.
3. Turks and Kurds have been living together peacefully in Anatolia for something like 1500 years uninterrupted. This peace has only been interrupted in the last 30 years.
4. Kurds and Turks basically share the same culture in all aspects of life, food, music, religon etc etc.
5. Kurds are not a minority in Turkey but equal and first class citizens and a part of the majority here. This country is theirs as much as ours and WE established this country together with them.
6. Turks and Kurds had always been loyal allies to each other all long history.
7. Only a minority, a small fraction of Kurds in Turkey support the seperatist movement.
Our army and soldiers (made of Turks and Kurds) is fighting against this seperatist movement.
8. the vote of Kurdish seperatist movement is below 2% all around the country.
9. There has never been a Kurdish state in modern history and Kurds living in Turkey never requested such a thing. (up until 30 years ago and these claims are supported only with a small fraction of Kurds)
10. Turks and Kurds are mixed in every city and town and village and there is no geographical location that numbers of Kurds exceed number of Turks. So who is making those maps of "Kurdistan" is quite unaware of this fact it seems. Kurds are dispersed all around Turkey and not concentrated in a single geographical location.
Posted by
servet cevik |
6:47 AM
Humans,turks please join here to see the real face of turkey the crimes that commited http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/congress/1881/
Posted by
indigo |
9:51 AM
Rustybuckingam said that:
The situation is much worse in Kurdistan of course: every day Kurds are arrested and tortured by Turkish police, protesters are beaten to death, and teenagers are imprisoned where they are raped or die of malnutrion...
I can only say, Damn what the hell are you talking about. Don't belive everything you read idiot, your soldiers are the ones who rapes innocent girls, even males...
Posted by
Unknown |
2:10 AM
My brother recently came home early from a holiday in turkey, he was assaulted by not 1, not 2, but 20 turks, not young boys, but fully grown men, many in their 40s. What did my brother do? he asked if a girl could not speak so loudly to them and her turkish boyfriend rounded up his friends and broke all his front teeth, they even resorted to using weapons, how cowardly are you turks? you need 20 menwith weapons to beat down my brother and his friend? Ow and my brother is just 16 years old. You Turks make me sick, you are the lowest, cowardly form of life on this planet and we will all be better off without you. Thanks you made em a racist, burn in hell you cowardsly peices of shit. 20 men to beat down a 16 year old boy and his friend, because you got nothing better to do in your deat beat country but get drunk and beat on strangers. Their was even a police officer WATCHING this beating take place. I hope your countrys enemies rain down on you, may your rivers dry up and your food grown scarce, i wish that your streets run red with blood of you mothers, brothers and sister. Words can not truely describe my hatred for your kind. i wish that you suffer a death so terrible it makes the hell you end up in seem like childsplay. yippy ki ay mother fuckers
Posted by
NoneOfYourBuisiness |
7:30 PM
Well.....there are so much bullshit to read here, both from Turks and Kurds, and here is some more bullshit from me:
I'm a Norwegian citicen, and I've been to Turkey 20 times and I speak Turkish. I've had two boyfriends in Turkey, the first one was a Turk from Izmir, and the second one a Kurd from Diyarbakir.
Most of the Kurdish people in Turkey don't support separatism, but the want more freedom. They are still NOT alowed to use pure Kurdish names, (but the Arabs, greeks and Armenians are).
In their ID cards they are classyfied as Turks, not Kurds (but the Arabs, Greeks and Armenians are classyfied in order to their ethnic origin).
Until recently the Kurds werre not allowed to use their languages in public situations, and Kurdish newspapers were banned.
Mainly Kurdish people were only offered the worst jobs.
On the other hand:
The Kurdish people living in the South Eastern areas of Turkey are mainly very conservative about modernizing, i.e. they still have a huge aumont of chilren (often 12-14), the women stays in their homes raising the children instead of working (there are no work......). They also refuse using condoms and pills to prevent pregnancy. The result of this way of extremely traditional way of life, is poorness...
The situation in the South East is hard, because the unemployment is very high. The Turkish government doesn't want this barrea to grow rich.
And now a little about The Kurdish Area of Northern Iraq:
Recently the Kurdishpeople have claimed Kirkuk as a part of Kurdistan, of course because of the enormous oil resources....
Historically this used to be the Turkmens (who are closely related to the Turks) and the Arab people's land.
In earlier days there were a lot of Turkmen and Arabs here, and very few Kurds.
The last years this have changed.
One reason is fucking Saddam Husseyn (may Allah bless him), and another reason is that the city has been overpopulated by Kurds from other areas, to KURDIFY this area!!
And as I have written earlier, these Kurds treaten the Turkmen minority in an extremely bad way. They are racists, exactely in the same way as Abdullah Öcalan used to be, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister still is.
I wish both the Turkish and Kurdish people good luck with their future, but the the extremists on both sides I want to say:
Fuck you bloody animals. You have a future in hell.
-Gunnar from Norway-
Posted by
Gunnar Helås |
4:25 PM
I really feel terrible when I read all these bloody words that you have written here...why don't you try to live like an european and why don't you try to improve your country's economical and social conditions??? lazy people only talk....real brave ones has been challanging from the 1st day of life...look at your arround,is your days similar with each other?
Last words is;;;do you have a national anthem which says:
sozum kurt milliyetcisi gecinen bostan korkuluklarina:
Posted by
Unknown |
8:50 AM
wow, the article I've just read above, and the following comments just made my day. The article is at the limits of absurdity, I've seen disinformation articles written in a much much better way ;)
Posted by
Unknown |
6:14 AM
gerizekalı ne soykırımı nedion sen :@
biz kürtlerle 900 küsür yıldır yaşıyoruz.bu zamana kadar aramızda hiç bi problem oldu mu lan OLDU MU!!!!!
bu büyük ülkelerin oyunudur KANMAYINIZ :@
We lived with kurdish people about 900 years anything happened to us at that time
NO! We lived in peace 900 years...
Thats big nations game,they wants to split us and then capture us...
Posted by
Unknown |
2:28 AM
geronimo senin götünü s.k..m haklı davamızda senin gibiler bizi haksız gösteriyo lan şuan hepimizin kanında hem kürt hemde kürt kanı var 900 yıl berabar yaşamız.. :@:@:@:@
Posted by
Unknown |
2:30 AM