Updated links (Causes & Donations)
Decided to add a new section in the sidebar for organizations that deserve attention. So far I've just put 3 but will add more soon hopefully. If anyone has any please let me know, the should be related to iraq or kurds and must be non-political. The only exception is the Iraqi pro-democracy party but thats because we know what type of people the Fadhill brothers are. You have to admire their will-power to be optimistic and actually be doing something at the time when Iraq is at its worst
I know this is a small site but I like to think I could be doing something useful apart from whinging all the time. As for the numbers in case you were wondering we get around 90 visits a day and that’s including the ppl that ended up here by accident, u know the ones that show up here cos they clicked on next blog from an unrelated blog but don't have the decency to stay more than 0:00 sec... i see you
KWAHK stands for kurdish women against honor killing, its more an awareness site as it doesn't accept donations online yet. They can be contacted and it’s worth reading
The other one is for the Popular University from father Yusif. Currently all the information is available from fayrouz's site and donations can be made through her. If you've been reading her blog recently you can see that it’s a really important cause for the christian community. Its funds help create a university that preserves and teaches ancient christian heritage. This definitely isn't some shady group based in anakra (again thanx fay for the heads up and that link) for those of you who are worried. This is a genuine case of good people helping other good people.
The attack on the christians was just a reminder of how vulnerable they are and what’s worse is that there's only 600 -800,000 of them left in Iraq. If, God forbid, iraq does become a fundamentalist state they will be one of the first to go. We've already lost one race from Iraq in the past century because of this senseless hate and they were the jews, we don't want to lose another one. So if you want to keep iraq ethnically diverse and give yourself a pat on the back at the same time please consider donating to this cause
I know this is a small site but I like to think I could be doing something useful apart from whinging all the time. As for the numbers in case you were wondering we get around 90 visits a day and that’s including the ppl that ended up here by accident, u know the ones that show up here cos they clicked on next blog from an unrelated blog but don't have the decency to stay more than 0:00 sec... i see you
KWAHK stands for kurdish women against honor killing, its more an awareness site as it doesn't accept donations online yet. They can be contacted and it’s worth reading
The other one is for the Popular University from father Yusif. Currently all the information is available from fayrouz's site and donations can be made through her. If you've been reading her blog recently you can see that it’s a really important cause for the christian community. Its funds help create a university that preserves and teaches ancient christian heritage. This definitely isn't some shady group based in anakra (again thanx fay for the heads up and that link) for those of you who are worried. This is a genuine case of good people helping other good people.
The attack on the christians was just a reminder of how vulnerable they are and what’s worse is that there's only 600 -800,000 of them left in Iraq. If, God forbid, iraq does become a fundamentalist state they will be one of the first to go. We've already lost one race from Iraq in the past century because of this senseless hate and they were the jews, we don't want to lose another one. So if you want to keep iraq ethnically diverse and give yourself a pat on the back at the same time please consider donating to this cause